The connection between the on-site participants and the remote participants will be through ZOOM. The main room is “GWPAW Session”. Other rooms are also available, one per each GWPAW topic, where people with common interests can gather to chat. If you wish to have a more private conversation, generic breakout rooms are also available. If they are all occupied, get in touch with one of the GWPAW Support users on zoom, and we’ll set up more.
If you are at the venue please do not follow the meeting on zoom. The bandwidth is not infinite, and if everyone does this it won’t work for anyone.
To allow for a smooth and enjoyable conference for on-site as well as for remote participants here are a few etiquette rules.
In the main conference zoom room
- Please mute yourself at all times. Our moderators may mute you if you are emitting disturbing background noises.
- If you have a question: Please only un-mute yourself after being addressed by the session chair(s). To notify the chair(s) please use zooms ‘Raise Hand’ feature. You can find it on the “Reactions” button.
- To allow for a fair amount of speech time, chairs will alternate between questions from on-site and remote.
- You are welcome to turn on your video camera while speaking, otherwise please keep it off. In the same way that a camera feed from the venue will allow you to see the participants in Hannover, a screen at the venue will show local participants the zoom speaker or the zoom ‘Gallery view’.
In the breakout rooms and boardroom
- Please mute yourself while not in an active discussion.
- You are welcome to join any topic room ! It is in the spirit of the workshop to encourage discussion and exchange.
The boardroom is a physical room on-site in the venue with a big screen and an audio-system with speakers and microphone which you can connect your device to (USB & HDMI). This can be used to have a bigger meeting with on-site and remote participants.
Last, but not least, we want to remind everyone about the Code of Conduct which is valid online, too.
I understand, show me the links:
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